Hello, Login page not loading up. getting A timeout occurred. cant login via vscode either.
it is the same for me
Yeah, same issue. I didn’t see the topic earlier and I posted too
@PriNova any update???
18d ago same issue happened and it was resolved same day. I hope it’s the case even today.
Hey @testersample
We currently have an unexpected service downtime. For updates of the incident, please have a look at the Sourcegraph status page.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
cannot login. cloudflare timeout error on login link
Thank you very much for your update @PriNova
Looking forward to getting back to coding soon. Cheers
Hey @all
Cody and the services are up again.
Happy programming.
Same here. Guys I love the product but every other week there’s a serious issue like 403 couple weeks ago and today authentication.
Pls give us feedback
Alright, timely update thank you