Let me try to explain in more detail.
A typical game engine contains thousands of files in various folders that are not related to the code I write. These include various graphics or even code from third-party libraries - it’s so large and already publicly known that I don’t see the point in having Cody study it. What I need is a certain number (10-300) of current code files in folders of various nesting levels within the Scripts folder in the project. Usually, all the code written by the developer is located inside such a folder - so in codyignore, I make sure everything is ignored except this folder.
This works at first glance - for example, I can’t discuss files outside of Scripts but can discuss those inside. However, this is similar to discussing individual parts of code with Claude or ChatGPT; it can’t be called understanding the project as a whole. At the same time, I often see Cody developers boasting about its understanding of the project context as a whole (including searching among files and selecting those relevant to the problem) - and I would be very interested to see how it would cope if it really understood the Scripts folder well (and all its nested folders and files) and ignored everything else. As far as I can see, it gets confused with this, as it starts to answer questions about the entire project somewhat strangely, missing files inside Scripts, sometimes distorting file names, etc.
Yes, I can discuss files one by one, as you suggested, but usually this is very limited because a specific problem usually involves 3-5 files - meaning that, except for the smallest problems, it’s pointless.
Removing the reference to the entire project each time you open a chat and then manually adding other scripts (each file) related to the problem is possible, but not very convenient.
The compromise I’ve come to (also not the most convenient, I’m writing in hopes that Cody developers will create something better for cases like mine?) - I created two commands that study comments. Both commands are set to study all open tabs and implement the highlighted comment. One is configured to edit code, the other to open a chat. And I keep open only those tabs that relate to the problem, understanding that Cody will study them.
Ignore everything
Don’t ignore .gitignore and .codyignore
Don’t ignore Assets/Scripts directory
Don’t ignore .cs files in Assets/Scripts and its subdirectories
Ignore everything else in Assets/Scripts