Missing OpenCtx icon

icon missing

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I didn’t even notice there’s supposed to be an icon. You’re right, it’s missing for me as well in VS Code Insiders 1.94.0 with sourcegraph.cody-ai v1.35.1726240556 on Windows 10.

Is this because you installed OpenCtx along with Cody?
If yes, this should be avoided and can lead to undefined behavior.
Cody has OpenCtx already included as a client.

Nope. I don’t have it installed. Only Cody

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How do you know that the OpenCtx icon is missing? Is there a hover text indicating that?

Yes. It came when hovered. But was not captured on screenshot

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I just checked; I don’t have sourcegraph.openctx installed.

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It looks like this:

2024-09-15 01_11_58-training.py - skeletoror (Workspace) - Debug - Visual Studio Code - Insiders

Now I know what is causing the issue. The dev team merged a PR to en-/disable OpenCtx as context provider, but seems that the icon in the status bar is not working properly.

Thank you all for reporting.