Repetitive Responses and Delays in Code Delivery

I am experiencing an issue with Cody repeatedly providing generic responses such as “I’m ready” or similar phrases every time I provide instructions to proceed. These responses, while perhaps intended to convey readiness, end up being redundant and do not add value to the ongoing work. Below are some examples:

  1. “I’m ready to continue troubleshooting and provide an updated solution that addresses this persistent issue.”
  2. “Absolutely! I’m diving into the codebase right now, analyzing every aspect of the candidate application loading process.”
  3. “Certainly! I’m proceeding with the in-depth analysis of the codebase.”

These responses interrupt my workflow and become quite irritating. Additionally, I often find myself having to ask Cody four to five times to provide the actual code I need, instead of these repeated, generic assurances. This impacts efficiency, especially when I’m trying to move forward quickly.

I would greatly appreciate if Cody could:

  1. Minimize Repetitive Phrases: Avoid providing redundant phrases like “I’m ready” or “Certainly” when a simple action-oriented response would suffice.
  2. Focus on Actions: Respond with direct steps or updates relevant to the task without unnecessary fluff.
  3. Provide Code Promptly: Reduce the number of prompts needed to get to the actual code and focus on delivering actionable content immediately.

I also wonder if this issue could be related to the Claude Sonnet integration or model. Is there a particular reason why these repetitive responses occur with Claude Sonnet?

These changes would make Cody’s interaction more efficient and focused, greatly improving the experience for users.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please let me know if further clarification is needed.

Hey @guicz

Thank you for providing the detailed feedback.
To reproduce the problem, may you provide some prompts where this behavior happens the most?

Are these long-lasting conversations or right at the beginning?

Thank you.