Request Failed: The prompt string contains a reference to a file that is not allowed by the context filters

Hi there, for the past hour, I have been experiencing the following error message when chatting with Cody.
“Request Failed: The prompt string contains a reference to a file that is not allowed by the context filters.”

It seems to impact all models. I tried to switch to a different VSCode project, and I got the same issue. The only way to get rid of this message, is to disable the enhanced context.
The output console shows the same error message :
“█ SimpleChatPanelProvider: postError: The prompt string contains a reference to a file that is not allowed by the context filters.”
Any suggestion on what could be the issue ?

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I have the same problem.

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Thanks for the report. We have an issue open and have been investigating. Once I know more I will update this thread.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Sorry for this issue. Please use the VS Code release (not pre-release) version on the marketplace until we fix this (asap). The release version is not affected.


Thank you for your support, Release version is working fine (I had no idea I was using the pre-release). :pray:

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Hey folks! Thank you all so much for helping us by being testers of our pre-release versions. Unforutnalty issues like this sometimes sneak through our local testing and it’s super helpful that we get feedback like this quickly!

I’ve just started another pre-release build a couple of minutes ago that should now unbreak chat again. So sorry for the issue!


Hey @philipp
It is functioning correctly without errors now. The context will be retrieved from the repository and from web requests if the user is @ mentioned them.