Can't specify a whole folder/directory as context?

If I type @absolute-path-to-directory it’s not possible select the whole folder.

This is very cumbersome when the necessary context is spread across multiple files.

Ideally the context selection would support glob patterns as well.

It is also a bit annoying that once a “context entry” has been added it’s not possible to edit it. I very much like the autocomplete and abbreviation once added, but would prefer if it was possible to edit as plain text after. Maybe a switch between plain-text and the normal mode?

Basically same as question as Adding a project folder as context but that wasn’t tagged with cody.

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I also see that when selecting an “context entry” (after it has been inserted) and using copy (Ctrl-C) the abbreviated form is copied not an absolute reference which can later be pasted.

I really think you should define a textual format for context selection that doesn’t rely on the nice UI. Then it would be trivial to support context selection in saved prompts without having to implement an UI for it. (I’ve tried various formats in a saved prompt without success so far)

Hey @olejorgenb, you can’t mention folders out of the box. However, a community member, @mnismt, created a solution (for VS Code)!

i need cody++ form jetbrain

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