I have a question about indexing and embedding projects.
Is having the project under git and uploaded to public a mandatory part? Is it not possible to do embedding locally, for example via transformers.js?
If embedding has started, how do I stop it and restart it? Let’s say I made changes to the .cody/ignore file - embedding that has already started will not get changed, no matter how many times I restart vscode.
I have the same question.
I’ve been evaluating Cody and am using a local copy of code, without a repo. Cody seems to have zero context of anything outside of the open file.
Can I run a local index somehow?
Am I doing something wrong?
Is this just an oversight in how it works?
I can’t justify rolling this out to my teams if I can’t see it working better than cutting and pasting directly into an LLM…
For Cody to work properly, you need to initialize a git repo within your project and assign a remote repo.
After that, the automatic indexing should start and Cody is able to comprehend your codebase.