Cody Prompt library cannot access to terminal as context

Since custom commands will be deprecated i started to export them into prompt library (saved online). But some of my custom command need access to my terminal to execute command prior to custom command like:

“commit-message”: {
“description”: “Commit message for staged changes”,
“prompt”: “Suggest an informative commit message by summarizing code changes from the shared command output. The commit message should follow the conventional commit format and provide meaningful context for future readers”,
“context”: {
“selection”: false,
“command”: “git diff --staged --minimal -w”

Hey @sylvain.aillaud

Yes, prompts from the prompt library can’t execute terminal commands anymore. Therefore, you need to activate the agentic context engine from your model selection field beforehand and then write the prompt so that it uses the command directly. Append in your prompt: “Use the following shell command to look up the staged changes: git diff --staged --minimal -w