I have used cody for a while and at one day I got a respond from my antivirus software, that i got a Virus from cody.
After my antivirus software deletet it, i waited a few days and i installed cody again and it worked fine for around 1 month and than i got the same problem again. I dont know why.
The programm is: cody-agent9953689512626347710.exe and the path is: C:\Users\name\AppData\Romaing\JetBrains\IdeaIC2024.2\plugins\Sourcegraph\agent
Can you replicate since which version this happens?
What kind of virus will be flagged?
Curious for your feedback.
I can assure you that this is definitely a false positive.
Thank you.
The first time i think the version was v.7.4.4 and the secound time i think it was v.7.10.1 and the last time it was the v.7.11.2 the latest what i have seen in intellij.
About the Virus:
Type: Trojaner
Name: PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic
Threatlevel: high
Thank you for reporting. This helps alot.
Is there any solution right now or not?
I have already informed the team and they are not aware of any potential conflicts in the implementation of the Cody agent.
Which virus program reports the flag?
It seems very likely to be a false positive, as no other user has reported this so far.
I recommend running a system-wide virus scan. If this does not help, then add an exception in the virus program as a rule for Cody-Agent.exe.
The problem is now fixed. I have spoken with the support from my Antivirus Software (Kaspersky) and the had checkt it and it was a “False Positiv” and now the updated ther Database. And Thanks for your help too.
Great to hear. I will update all channels with that information.