Seeing "Cody is disabled on this file" message with JetBrains plugin

I just upgraded to version 6.0.12 of the JetBrains plugin (using it with WebStorm, currently).

When I open pretty much any file, I see a pop-up with the following message:

This file has been restricted by an admin. Autocomplete, commands, and other Cody features are disabled.

When I click the “Learn about Context Filters” link, it appears that that is only for Cody Enterprise subscribers. I’m not even a pro :slight_smile: And I’ve done nothing to disable individual files (…as far as I know).

So, yeah, I’m on the free track, trying it out.

Any help appreciated… thanks!

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I noticed these messages, too (in Intellij IDEA), but I think not on every file. However, despite these messages, at least code completions were working just fine. I don’t know if they affect the chat as I’m mostly using completions as so far I haven’t really found a workflow where using the chat frequently would be useful.

Observed in 6.0.12-nightly

Same here on version 6.0.12.

Just updated to 6.0.14, lets see if it stops

I am seeing this on Pro for the latest 6.0.14 version too. I think I am going to cancel my subscription for cody if it is not fixed. If it can’t do it’s primary role, it is no good. Every other file I open, I see this message.

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I opened bug: Cody is disabled on this file popup for .go files in GoLand · Issue #1917 · sourcegraph/jetbrains · GitHub because I’m seeing the same since upgrading the plug in to 6.0.14.


@chris_st @michitux @esafak @fredferrao @cheetahfightfx

This should be fixed. Can you please confirm?

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Apparently, the error has disappeared. Unfortunately, it’s too late for me as I have just canceled my subscription. Cody just doesn’t seem to work as well in IntelliJ IDEA as it does in VSCode. I will try it again in the near future.

I’m sorry to hear that, but I understand. We are working on adapting the chat UI component used in VSCode to run in JetBrains. There is no ETA, but it might be available by the time you decide to try again in the future. =)

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Can confirm (sorry, rather late!) that this is fixed.


I am seeing this error on IntelliJ, plugin version: 7.66.0
it is very frustrating, any ideas? appreciate the help before I have to cancel my subscription :frowning:

Hey @ubhisat

Cody is blocking files if they could contain credentials or other security risks, for example .env files.

What file does Cody block for you?

thanks for your reply!
No these are standard python files I am trying to work with. It was working fine last week, I had nightly builds and one of the update broke it. no problems at account level since it is working with on my VS Code.
Am I the only one seeing/reporting this :frowning: ?

I was able to get it working by downgrading to Pycharm version - 2024.2.5
Previously I had the latest - 2024.3.2.

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