JetBrains Cody Autocomplete Doesn't work/400 status code

I purchased Cody Pro earlier this week on May 14, 2024 and it worked fine for 2 days and then suddenly Autocomplete on JetBrains IDEs just stopped working randomly yesterday (even though it was working fine just 24 hours prior). The issue occurs on BOTH the JetBrains IDEs I’m using (and where its was working fine on both prior): GoLand and PyCharm paid versions. The logs show a 400 status code. Please see the details and JetBrains logs in the GitHub issue I created for this bug here: Cody Autocomplete Doesn't work · Issue #62751 · sourcegraph/sourcegraph · GitHub

Not only only does Autocomplete not work, but I had noticed previously when it was working that Autocomplete would not work even though it showed suggestions in the Git Commit window. Furthermore, Cody: Show Diff does not work either. I have made GitHub issues for both of those issues. I would link those here, but I can only provide 2 links and think it best to create separate issues for those as well.

Given Autocomplete is the main reason for paying for Cody this essentially renders my Cody Pro subscription pretty worthless, to be frank. Can you please try and resolve this ASAP. Thank you very much, in advance.


Hey @DataDavD going to close this since you are responding in the GH issue.

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