Kill hanging cody?

Hi, cody is a very useful tool, but I’m pretty sure it’s hanging intellij pretty often (I turned it off and IntelliJ no longer hanged).

My question is, is there a way to just kill the cody process when IntelliJ hangs so that I can save my work and restart the IDE?

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I’ve noticed it too. This is new to 7.x. I’m using 2024.2.1

Here are some exceptions from the idea.log:

  • java.lang.IllegalStateException: @NotNull method com/jetbrains/jsonSchema/UserDefinedJsonSchemaConfiguration.getSchemaVersion must not return null
  • org.jetbrains.plugins.github.exceptions.GithubAuthenticationException: Request response: 401 Unauthorized.
  • org.jetbrains.plugins.github.exceptions.GithubAuthenticationException: Request response: Bad credentials.
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Yep, it started to happen a couple of days ago right after the update, it had never happened before that so I assume it’s must be the update that cause the issue.

I’m seeing this issue too with both pycharm and intellij CE - My jetbrains versions are 2024.2.1 and the plugin version is 7.0.4 for pycharm and 7.0.2 for intellij. Is there a bug that can be tracked for this issue?

I installed 7.0.4 (up from 7.0.2 which hung a lot) are you sure it’s still happening on your 7.0.4 version.

Seems possibly related to inline autocomplete. I turned that off in 7.0.2 and the hang went away too.

That means on Cody JB 7.0.4 the issue is gone?

They added a new update and the hang was fixed 1-2 days ago.

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Is 7.0.4 in the stable channel? I’m on 7.0.2 and having this issue. I’m not seeing any newer versions in the plugin marketplace.

EDIT: Never mind, found it in the nightly channel. Upgraded to 7.0.7-nightly.

The dev team is working hard to stabilize Cody on Jetbrain with the feature parity on vs code.
A user reported that on version 7.0.4 the issue is gone.

I jumped up to 7.0.7 on the nightly build channel and am no longer having this issue.

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