Most public repos no longer accessible via code search?

Pretty much every “non-popular” repo on github (repo with < 20 stars) is no longer accessible via code-search. Public SourceGraph code search does not find my public github repo anymore - #3 by user_56942_25821 is a related issue, but this was solved by the devs manually adding to the index rather than fixing for all repos.

Is this a new systematic change, that we can only search popular repos? Do I need to upgrade to a pro plan in order to search all repos?

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I have same problem.

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Hey @user_56942_25821

Yes we cleaned up our index and some repos that should have stayed got removed. If you have a list of repos you want re-added LMK and I can do that. cc @gscholer

I’ve noticed that this problem is still present: I cannot list repositories that have less than 30 stars when using the public search endpoint (Sourcegraph), not even newly created repoes.
Is this a default in sourcegraph?

Hi @ettodei can you please list some of the repos you aren’t seeing?

@jdorfman I cannot see GitHub - collective/collective.searchandreplace

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Hey @gotcha

Should be good to go: collective/collective.searchandreplace - Sourcegraph

I also added the GitHub org (collective) to the whitelist so all repos should sync soon.

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there are almost 10 repos i have been using are gone. my first priority is , i am unable to find GitHub - Chensokheng/next--supabase-saas-boilerplate . can i list remaining too. can u do that for me

Fixed: Chensokheng/next--supabase-saas-boilerplate - Sourcegraph

Sure thing list them here

Sourcegraph’s public code search is practically dead. It only indexes popular GitHub projects, but GitHub already offers a decent built-in code search. Meanwhile, traditional projects hosted on platforms like Freedesktop aren’t indexed at all.

It looks like the company is shifting its focus toward AI assistants and enterprise customers.

There’s also no personal plan for code search. And if I understand correctly, even with the enterprise plan, you can only search your own code—you still can’t search public code unless it’s on a predefined whitelist.

With the Enterprise Starter plan you have a self-served multi-tenant host. With this you can connect all your public or private repositories and forks for your workspace. If a public repository is not available, you can simply fork it into yours and let it index it.

Have a look here for all provided features for this plan: Sourcegraph | Pricing