We’ve just published a new OpenCtx provider: Confluence
The Confluence OpenCtx provider allows you to search and include pages from your Confluence as context.
Here it is running inside Cody for VS Code:
To get started, add the following to your OpenCtx client config (if you’re using Cody, this is your VS Code user settings JSON):
"openctx.providers": {
"https://openctx.org/npm/@openctx/provider-confluence": {
"url": "https://some-org.atlassian.net/wiki",
"email": "<email-address>",
"apiToken": "<api-token>"
More details:
- Confluence | OpenCtx
- @openctx/provider-confluence - npm
- openctx/provider/confluence at main · sourcegraph/openctx · GitHub
Please give it a go, and let us know what you think!