Should this tool be able to accurately report the contents of a directory?

To verify that it’s working I’ve tried for literally hours and hours to get Cody Chat to accurately report the contents of various directories and it never does. Is this just not what it’s built to do? I thought it could help me analyze the structure of my projects. Is accurately reporting the contents of a directory beneath it?


Cody cannot do what you are asking, in the way you’re asking it to.

To get the contents of directories, you would be better asking Cody to create a python script to do that for you. You could even then expand on the script to give further information about the things you need.

Thank you.

I am inheriting a codebase without any help from its author and the promotions say Cody can help analyze and entire codebase.

So I was starting with questions like “can you tell me what the folders in ___ directory do?”

I understand that’s not how Cody is supposed to work.

All tutorials I can find on Cody focus on its code-completion and not its code-analysis capabilities.

How should I approach the task of understanding an entire codebase using Cody?