When DeepCody in JetBrains

Hi I can use DeepCody just fine on the site and in vscode but it just does not show up in jetbrains? specifically intelij

I have looked if there is something to enable it like in vscode but could not find anything so i was wondering when will this be added I thought this should already be in there.

Hey @PaxCodesSometimes

DeepCody is still in an experimental state and if it is stable then a migration to JetBrains IDE will be taken.

Hey thanks for responding :smiley:

Why is it in vscode then? cause it works so well

Because we early tested DeepCody in VS Code and to bring DeepCody to JetBrains IDE’s need code changes. The JetBrains extensions are written in Java/Kotlin and need to be migrated first.

Ahh makes sense then thank you :smiley:

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Just in case, I’ve set the update channel to Nightly in the Sourcegraph settings in Intellij , and the plugin has updated to the version 7.8.0 and now Deep Cody has appeared at the top in the model selector.

I think the output that produces is the same or very similar to Visual Studio, but at first glance I’ve seen that you can not execute commands.

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