Auto/Pre-auth possible?

Hi! I’m using the Cody VSCode plugin in a self-hosted instance of coder code-server. I’m looking for a way to get my Sourcegraph token recognized and used for login when the workspace container is deployed. I can do it manually no problem, but I’d like to avoid that step if possible. Can it be read from an environment or config variable? TIA!

BTW I’m free tier if it matters.

Hey @mgagliardi

The solf-hosted Sourcegraph instance is not supported anymore since version 5.7. This is now a enterprise-only feature:

Thank you.

Actually I’m not self-hosting Soutcegraph (I’m self-hosting code-server). Just using the VSCode plugin (Cody) in the free tier.

Thank you for the correction.

I will have a look into the codebase of Cody to see if a ENV of the access token should be enough as login credentials.

Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!

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Hey @mgagliardi

Sorry for the late reply. I diged into the Code, but authentication only via ENV is not possible.

All good, thanks very much for checking into it.

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