Error 429 occurring frequently

Dec 6, 2024 I noticed that Error 429 came up. I shutdown and I came back the next day, that day, I worked on my project for a while but not using it a lot. The error 429 came up. I walked away for a while, then tried to used Cody again, it worked for a while then the error again. In the past couple days, I have got on and started to use Code, only to find that within 2-3 questions, I would get a 429 error again. I believe there is a coding error going on that is causing pre-mature errors. I know I am not getting anywhere near the 200 message limit, especially in the past 3 days. Anyone have any ideas or can contact the makers to look at the issue?

Hey @mcgriffith

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Yes, the team is already working on that problem. It would be very helpful if you could provide the prompts, which LLM you used, logs or whatever could help to pin down the issue faster.

Thank you in advance.


Thank you for getting back to me. The problem certainly persists. Today, I started working on my program and opened up Cody Chat as I normally do. I told it what I wanted to work on and provided the current code for that area of my program (this is my first attempt to use Cody today). I immediately for the following message: Request Failed: Request failed with status code: 429

I am rather new to using Cody Chat, so I am not exactly sure, what on your end you would consider prompts, LLM or how to get to Logs, but I will do my best to provide all that I can. If I miss the boat, please let me know what all you’re looking for and I will do my best again to provide the right things. I will start with that I provided in the chat, then below, I will add more info.

This is what I sent to the Chat:

I am wanting to work on my new feature, Volunteer List, Schedule etc. I have got the program to gather the inital list to come up in cboName from the login, contacts and phone tables. Here is the current code: Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class FrmVolunteer

Inherits Form

Dim connectionString As String = DatabaseConfig.ConnectionString

Private Sub FrmVolunteer_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Me.MdiParent = CType(Application.OpenForms(“FrmMain”), Form)


End Sub

Private Sub LoadComboBoxes()

Using conn As New OleDbConnection(connectionString)


’ Modified SQL query to include Role from tblLogin

Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(“SELECT c.FullName, l.Role FROM tblContacts c INNER JOIN tblLogin l ON c.LoginID = l.LoginID WHERE l.Role IN (‘Staff’, ‘Director’, ‘Admin’) ORDER BY c.FullName”, conn)

Using da As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)

Dim dt As New DataTable


Dim emptyRow As DataRow = dt.NewRow()

emptyRow(“FullName”) = “”

emptyRow(“Role”) = “” ’ Ensure Role column is also populated

dt.Rows.InsertAt(emptyRow, 0)

cboName.DataSource = dt

cboName.DisplayMember = “FullName”

cboName.ValueMember = “FullName”

End Using

End Using

End Sub

Private Sub cboName_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cboName.SelectedIndexChanged

If cboName.SelectedValue IsNot Nothing AndAlso cboName.SelectedValue.ToString() <> “” Then

Dim selectedRow As DataRowView = CType(cboName.SelectedItem, DataRowView)

txtRole.Text = selectedRow(“Role”).ToString()

txtRole.ReadOnly = True


txtRole.Text = “”

End If

End Sub

End Class

Programming Language: VB.NET ( my program is written in (you probably know from the code above)

Above the error message stated above, it says A/ Claude 3.5 Sonnet (new)

Next to my login, it says Beta

Close to the top of the window is:

Cody Chat

Chat (underlined) History Prompts

Under History ( I removed the prompts yesterday that I had in here, but this is the last couple days)

Under Prompts: (it lists the 4 Prompts)

Document-code (greyed out)




As I see them on the Chat page, I did not select any of them.

I am using Visual Studio 2022 version 17.12.3

Windows 11 Pro, version 24H2, Installed 11/25/2024, OS build 26100.2605, Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.36.0

I hope I am providing at least part of what you need to help fix Cody. I apologize for not knowing all that you asked for, if you explain more about something I missed and/or how to find it, I will do my best to quickly provide that information as well.

Thank you again,

Michael Griffith


Signed in as @mcgriffith1965-oqzwd