The Postgres 16 upgrade worked, I stopped that temporary container and started up the new one, and then… it tells me “The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 16, which is not compatible with this version 12.18.”
Sure enough, I check in the container tagged 5.11.5234, its postgres/psql are version 12.18. What?? Isn’t sourcegraph/server supposed to ship with 16 at versions >= 5.10? What am I missing?
We have some documentation about upgrading to the latest SG docker compose images here: Docker Compose Upgrade Notes - Sourcegraph docs. Under the link Technical Changelog you will find some patches.
Whoops, forgot to come back to this. Thanks for the answer, but that’s for the docker compose images (multiple containers), not the single container deployment I’m using? Am I missing something? Is the single container not actually maintained anymore, even though it has new versions?