VScode extension not working in SSH remote connection

The sourcegraph search extension Rev. 2.2.19 doesn’t work as a remote extension in an SSH host/container: The Authentication dialog is not available at all and if you try to search something, I get the following error: “The connection was closed before your search was completed. This may be due to a problem with a firewall, VPN or proxy, or a failure with the Sourcegraph server.”

The locally installed extension works pretty well…

Hey @coredevorg

Cody has now settings for proxy configurations.

To be honest, I didn’t try it out until today. This could solve your connection issue via SSH.

Curious if it works for you.

Thank you.

Hi PriNova, thanks for your quick response but the problem is not related to Cody. I#m struggling “Search by Sourcegraph” extension. Maybe I should have mention this also in the subject and not only by setting the category…

Contrary to Cody it’s installed as a remote extension and I can’t find the proxy auto mode from Cody:

Cody itself is working in my environment. Either locally or remote, but sourcegraph code search works only in local workspaces :frowning:

Hi, I have found a work-a-round that works for me: I patched the package.json of sourcegraph.sourcegraph and set “extensionKind”: [ “ui” ], and then reinstalled the extension.

When I now establish a remote connection, Sourcegraph code search works fine with the local settings also in the remote workspace.

I see no reason why the extension should be installed on the remote host at all. Maybe extensionKind:[ui] would be a good default setting for the next release?

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I forward your work-around to the team:

Thank you for reporting.