Consult output from browser crash when using

this is my console output when I received the error in the image
from the browser of Google Chrome on a Windows 11 PC
Google Chrome
Version 123.0.6312.123 (Official Build) (64-bit)

this is not all that urgent but I’m a Cody pro user and getting this error in my browser I figured I would share the console output so that you guys can utilize it for fixing the issue
I don’t know how to code react or anything like that just wanted to share the issues I was encountering

very cool tool you guys added and I know it’s new if this information helps you right if not disregard this message thanks for your time

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08:08:43.455 fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1 Uncaught Error: Minified React error #418; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
    at t3 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:24066)
    at iB (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:119885)
    at o4 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:94629)
    at fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90692
    at fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90699
    at oj (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90804)
    at MessagePort.M (69-24b8fa3236e358ba.js:1:98421)
08:08:43.455 fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1 Uncaught Error: Minified React error #418; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
    at t3 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:24066)
    at iB (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:119885)
    at o4 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:94629)
    at fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90692
    at fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90699
    at oj (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90804)
    at MessagePort.M (69-24b8fa3236e358ba.js:1:98421)
08:08:43.455 fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1 Uncaught Error: Minified React error #418; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
    at t3 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:24066)
    at iB (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:119885)
    at o4 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:94629)
    at fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90692
    at fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90699
    at oj (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90804)
    at MessagePort.M (69-24b8fa3236e358ba.js:1:98421)
08:08:43.455 fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1 Uncaught Error: Minified React error #418; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
    at t3 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:24066)
    at iB (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:119885)
    at o4 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:94629)
    at fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90692
    at fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90699
    at oj (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90804)
    at MessagePort.M (69-24b8fa3236e358ba.js:1:98421)
08:08:43.455 fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1 Uncaught Error: Minified React error #418; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
    at t3 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:24066)
    at iB (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:119885)
    at o4 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:94629)
    at fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90692
    at fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90699
    at oj (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:90804)
    at MessagePort.M (69-24b8fa3236e358ba.js:1:98421)
08:08:43.455 fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1 Uncaught Error: Minified React error #423; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
    at iB (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:117694)
    at o4 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:94629)
    at fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:94451
    at o3 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:94458)
    at oQ (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:91945)
    at oj (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:91370)
    at MessagePort.M (69-24b8fa3236e358ba.js:1:98421)
08:08:43.506 /_vercel/insights/script.js:1 
       Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
08:08:43.508 layout-de9348f2cc49e413.js:1 [Vercel Web Analytics] Failed to load script from /_vercel/insights/script.js. Be sure to enable Web Analytics for your project and deploy again. See for more information.
08:08:55.969 69-24b8fa3236e358ba.js:1 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')
    at page-003e6962a83d8390.js:1:6197
    at (<anonymous>)
    at b (page-003e6962a83d8390.js:1:6008)
    at rk (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:40367)
    at lI (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:59174)
    at iB (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:117273)
    at o4 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:94629)
    at fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:94451
    at o3 (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:94458)
    at oQ (fd9d1056-33e76417ea47d93e.js:1:91945)
window.console.error @ 69-24b8fa3236e358ba.js:1
08:09:02.793 repos:1 
       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 ()
08:09:02.794 VM93:1 Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON
08:09:03.576 repos:1 
       Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 ()
08:09:03.577 VM94:1 Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON```

my browser crashes every time I tried to add a repo upon pressing enter to add the repo I’m attempting to add that’s when the browser crashes when I hit enter in the repo part of the cody labs

I want to mention I don’t need support at all just providing helpful information

Hey @Rims-Naps , thanks for the heads up! We appreciate your feedback and will definitely look into this issue. Your input helps us improve.

Hey @Rims-Naps - can you tell me which repo you were trying to add? I’m having trouble reproducing the issue and don’t see any errors on my end.

Hey @ado

try it with because I have the same issue.

Ok I can recreate it with that repo. Looking into it.

I was able to identify and fix the issue. Please try again and let me know if you have any further issues with this.

The problem was related to repos that had capital letters in the name. Here is an example of it working:

yep that appears to be fixed today I’m experiencing different issue today tho (glad I can use the tool now)I

made another post about it today at this link