Multiple files in context

Hi, I’m working on a project in phpStorm and I need that when I open a new chat with the IA a group of files are included by default like context, how can I achieve this with a template or copy/paste tool?

Doing this manually (With @ command) so that the AI ​​understands the files it should take into account as context is cumbersome, and using the project context (Repository) is crazy because it ends up not finding or not seeing or not having access etc to the content of the subdirectories…

Other options that we do not have are:

  • being able to drag elements from the project exploration menu to the AI ​​chat, so that it adds the element or sub-elements (in the case of directories) to a chat window as a context.

  • in the contextual menu of the elements (left click) display an option that adds the element or sub-elements (in the case of directories) to a chat window as a context.

Hello @arcanisgk

If you need that files often in your chat, the only option is to edit the first message again and/or took it from the chat history and copy/paste in a new chat.

Thank you for your feature suggestion. We are always evaluating feature requests and find the right balance to land them in release.

Thank you.

P.S.: If you have issues with Cody you can tag your initial post with support or bug for a faster reply.

i cant edit the post to add support or bug tags

i don’t like to edit the first message again if i have and advanced chat… with important information.

copy/paste context tag of multiple files from current chat to a new chat not work on phpStorm.