Jetbrains Editor hotkeys not working in Cody Pro

Hi all! Using Code Pro in WebStorm (a Jetbrains IDE). However, in the editor box to type to Cody, I can’t seem to get any of my normal editor keys to work. For example: Apple-Left to go to the beginning of a line.

Is there some way to configure the Code text editor to behave with normal Jetbrains Editor UI behaviors?

Hey @ms-ati

Thank you for raising this issue.
What version of Cody and WebStorm are you using?

If you don’t mind to report your issue New Issue · sourcegraph/jetbrains with all the details, the dev team can have a closer look.

Thank you.

Code 7.3.2 (using a Pro account)
WebStorm 2024.3.1

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Update: the Cody plugin chat interface continues to not support Jetbrains editor keyboard shortcuts (e.g. CTRL-A, APPLE-left, etc) in Code Pro 7.4.3 on WebStorm 2024.3.1

Reported issue here: bug: broken / not working JetBrains Editor keyboard mappings · Issue #2843 · sourcegraph/jetbrains · GitHub